What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture, the ancient medical art, is considered a" New alternative" medicine in today's western culture. In reality acupuncture and its related moxibustion, are medical treatments that have been practiced for more than 5,000 years. So, what is acupuncture? Simply, acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles under the skin in order to influence physiological functioning of the body. Sometimes, electrical stimulus is applied to the needles.
Acupuncture is based on the theory that there is energy, called Chi or qi, flowing through the body. Chi is thought to flow along energy pathways called meridians. Chinese medical practitioners believe a blocking or imbalance of the flow of Chi at any point on a pathway may result in illness. They believe acupuncture unblocks and rebalances the flow of Chi to restore health.
Over the last few decades, research has been conducted seeking to explain how acupuncture works and what it can and cannot treat.
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Nullam porta
Suspendisse elementum bibendum libero sed porttitor. Nam eget cursus magna. Ut volutpat leo nibh, at ullamcorper leo venenatis sed. Donec in euismod mi, non tincidunt justo. Proin posuere feugiat odio et varius. Curabitur non tellus vitae metus blandit fermentum a vitae ante.
Mauris non
Suspendisse elementum bibendum libero sed porttitor. Nam eget cursus magna. Ut volutpat leo nibh, at ullamcorper leo venenatis sed. Donec in euismod mi, non tincidunt justo. Proin posuere feugiat odio et varius. Curabitur non tellus vitae metus blandit fermentum a vitae ante.